Preparing your Airbnb space for the photoshoot

Clean all the surfaces

Kitchen benches, tables, floors: it doesn't need to be hospital-grade clean but just make sure there are no dust bunnies flying around or crumbs from this morning's breakfast on the kitchen bench.


Make sure you put away all those bits and pieces that we all keep in our homes but make it look busy and untidy. No need to go overboard, just stuff them in a wardrobe out of sight.
If you don't want personal photos photographed please put them away as well

Let the light in

Open all the blinds and curtains to provide as much natural light as possible.

Make the beds

Use nice, clean bed linen, fluff up the pillows and keep pets and children away from your perfectly made bed until the photographer is gone :)

Toilet seat down please

No explanation needed - nobody needs to see the inside of your toilet ;)

Clean towels

While you're in the bathroom, get some nice clean towels out so we can put them on your bed or in the bathroom. It will make your home feel like a clean and inviting hotel.

Add some colour

Put some fruit in a bowl or some fresh flowers in a vase to bring some colour and natural freshness to your space.

We have limited photoshoots available before Christmas 2019. Book today to give to make your Airbnb listing stand out.

Call us on 0450 032 013 or send us the form below.

As our Christmas present to you, photoshoots booked before 13/12/2019 will get 20% off.