Improve your listing with virtual staging

The vendor has decided to list their home but some of the rooms are not quite ready yet to be photographed. What do you do?

Empty room

What if some of the rooms are already empty? We can digitally furnish an empty room so you can show interested buyers the full potential of the space.

Just let us know which rooms need some digital magic and we'll be happy to provide you with amazingly realistic images.

Messy room

The sulky teenager's room is just not suitable for public viewing. You couldn't possibly put a photo of a messy room on your real estate listing, and so far the teenager is hiding behind their phone and refusing to let you enter their personal space to tidy up...

Never fear, here come the Virtual Stagers to the rescue! Our team of expert editors can digitally remove all that clutter, and add beautiful, inviting furniture to any photo.

Some examples of virtual staging

One edge that can change the real estate game is virtual declutering and virtual staging.

Living spaces, much like our minds, can become cluttered over time. But unlike tidying a physical space, tackling a cluttered home for potential buyers can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to vacant properties. This is where virtual decluttering steps in, offering a revolutionary approach to preparing a home for sale.

Virtual decluttering utilizes digital editing software to remove unwanted items from photographs of a property. This can be anything from overflowing bookshelves to personal belongings scattered around the room. The result? Clean, streamlined images that showcase the true potential of the space.

Original photo:

After virtual declutter:

Virtual staging changes empty rooms into cozy settings digitally, as opposed to traditional staging, which calls for the rental of furniture and actual setup. This enables prospective purchasers to see a property's entire potential. A buyer may find it more difficult to relate to a location if it is empty because empty rooms might seem chilly and uninspired. These rooms are given new life by virtual staging, which displays furniture configurations and décor choices that accentuate the property's flow and usefulness. This can result in a quicker sale and possibly a higher selling price in addition to increasing the appeal to a larger spectrum of potential purchasers.

The use of virtual furniture by agencies and owners of rental properties is revolutionary. It's an affordable and adaptable solution that lets you present your rentals in the best possible light, draw in more qualified renters, and eventually lock up speedier rentals. So, to give your rental home the competitive edge, get rid of the empty rooms and harness the power of virtual furniture.

Some of our Virtual Staging Sample Works:

From Virtual Decluttering to Virtual Staging:

All the photos you will receive are professionally and lovingly edited.

Pricing Virtual staging $99/photo

All prices are quoted in Australian dollars and include GST.
We provide services all over Sydney. Charges may apply based on your location.